

Date Place Material
16 May 2023 Oberseminar Algebraische Geometry, Universitaet des Saarlandes Slides
21 Sept. 2021 Summer series on string phenomenology Slides
19 Oct. 2020 Pennsylvania, USA Slides
16 June 2020 Summer series on string phenomenology Slides
10 Dec. 2019 Pennsylvania, USA Slides
10 Oct. 2018 Brussels, Belgium Slides
3 July 2014 Aachen, Germany Slides


Date               Conference Material
July 2024 Session organizer at ICMS 2024, Durham, UK (together with L. Kastner and M. Zach)  
June 2024 String Pheno 2024, Pardova, Italy Slides
Sept. 2023 Third Annual Meeting 2023 of SFB-TRR 195 Slides
July 2023 String Math 2023, Melbourne, Australia Slides, Poster
July 2023 String Pheno 2023, Daejeon, South Korea Slides
May 2023 Computeralgebra Tagung 2023 Slides
July 2022 Strings 2022  
July 2022 String Math 2022 Slides
July 2022 String Pheno 2022 Slides
June 2022 Geometry, Topology and Singular Special Holonomy Spaces: 6-10 June 2022, Freiburg University  
Jan. 2022 13th polymake conference and developer meeting Slides
Nov. 2021 Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry, Annual Meeting (New York, United States)  
Sept 2021 Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics, Progress and Open Problems (Stony Brook, United States)  
Sept 2021 Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis and Physics, Annual Meeting (New York, United States)  
July 2021 String Pheno 2021  
June 2021 Strings 2021  
June 2021 String Math 2021  
Dec. 2020 String data 2020 Slides
June. 2020 String Pheno 2020  
Sept. 2019 Geometry and Strings (Oxford, UK) Poster
Aug. 2019 Gap Singular Meeting and School (Lambrecht, Germany) Slides
July 2019 Strings (Brussels, Belgium)  
Aug 2018 CAP Days 2018 (Siegen, Germany) Slides
Mar. 2018 String Data 2018 (Munich, Germany)  
July 2017 String Pheno 2017 (Virginia, USA) Slides
Dez. 2015 String Math (Sanya, China)  
Sept. 2015 Third GAP Days (Trondheim, Norway)  
Mar. 2015 Second GAP Days (Aachen, Germany)  
Feb. 2015 Physics and Geometry of F-theory (Munich, Germany)  
Dez. 2014 Homological Pertubation Theory (Galway, Ireland)  
Aug. 2014 GAP Days (Aachen, Germany) Slides
Feb. 2014 Geometry and Phsics of String Compactifications (Heidelberg, Germany)  


Date Event/Workshop
Mar. 2024 Moderation of meetings and project discussions (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
May 2018 Kontaktseminar of Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - focus on banking and consulting (Bonn, Germany)
May 2018 Physiker im Beruf of deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) (Bad Honnef, Germany)